Terry Cook, CFP®, CIMA® and Kathleen Carbone, CFP ® were ranked on the Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisors List, issued on April 3, 2024 by Forbes | SHOOK Research.

Data provided by SHOOK® Research, LLC, as of 6/30/23. Forbes Best-in-State Wealth Advisors ranking was developed by SHOOK Research and is based on in-person, virtual, and telephone due diligence meetings to measure best practices, client retention, industry experience, credentials, review of compliance records, firm nominations; and quantitative criteria, such as: assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Investment performance is not a criterion because client objectives and risk tolerances vary, and advisors rarely have audited performance reports. SHOOK’s research and rankings provide opinions intended to help investors choose the right financial advisor and are not indicative of future performance or representative of any one client’s experience. Past performance is not an indication of future results. Neither Forbes nor SHOOK Research receive compensation in exchange for placement on the ranking. For more information, please see SHOOK is a registered trademark of SHOOK Research, LLC. Parcion Private Wealth paid no compensation directly or indirectly in connection with obtaining or using the third-party rating.